
I want to reduce the contrast of a piece of wood.


うづくり とは、植物性やナイロン、鉄などの硬いワイヤーで表面を擦る事で、立体感のある表情を作ります。

For the recent Vintage Galvanized Counter, I used tamo (Japanese ash) on the top surface.
To better match the aged galvanized sheet I wanted to reduce the contrast of this piece.

Bleach may be a simple solution, but I hate using it.

So my approach was ”uzukuri” (A hard wire brush) followed by scrubbing with baking soda. I followed this with triple soap-finish, before finally covering with wax “ibotarō” to protect the wood.
This process removed contrast and softened the appearance compared to the original piece.

Uzukuri is a traditional Japanese wood finishing technique. With it I’m able to make a very textured wood surface.How to uzukuri – Brush surface of wood (fiber, nylon, wire) so hard point remains but soft point is removed, resulting in a rugged surface.What is the reason for Vintage wood is beautifull?I think an important point is that when well used or aged, wood catches natural scratches.I guess that a Japanese craftsman from antiquity was inspired by seeing this transformation and from this came uzukuri.

Soap finish is a technique used in Scandinavian woodworking that uses soap to create a thin soap film on wood to protect it.

The last privet wax (ibotarō) – the white block in the photo – is actually very similar to an old paraffin candle. It is used as a finish for paulownia chests and as a lubricant on sills and slides.This is interesting because the larvae of the wax scale insect (ibota mushi; Ericerus pela) live on the privet tree and secrete this wax as a defense. Ibotarō is used as a polish and gives a very soft luster.

There are many natural finishing methods and it is interesting. Please let me know if there’s any techniques that are unique to your area…